Thursday I traded some e-mails with Minnie Piledriver and Frenzy Lohan after reading on the CCRGs' website that they were interested in volunteers. I'm becoming a sucker for breaking out of my comfort zone or trying new things. If I'm gonna' do it I may as well go ALL.
Arriving (a little late) to Du Burns Arena I was greeted by a super rad Minnie Piledriver. Entering the arena the first thing I noticed was a soccer field, you can't skate on AstroTurf (at least not fast). About 30 folks, a mix of people, mostly players and some volunteers, began covering most the field in particle board. By the time the wood was out I decided that a trip to the gym that day would not be necessary, it was a bit of a workout. Du Burns Arena had air conditioning; but, I still had no problem sweating through a shirt. A quick walk to Safeway for a water break and by the time I got back to the arena the playing surface was almost finished. A little more 'odd and end' work and it was time to change so I didn't look, or feel, like a ball of sweat.
There were a few easy observations to make to this point. The CCRG have the DIY thing down pat. During set up there were no agendas, project plans or attitude. We just "did the damn thing", I even feel comfortable saying "we" since I felt a feeling of inclusion, or acceptance, after just walking in the door. Also, its easy to be a slight smitten; no, not that kind of smitten, the kind where you try something new and just know it won't be the only time. Like discovering something you wish you had earlier. This was my impression during just the set up. Everyone was incredibly kind and had amazing personalities, by nature I'm shy and I was comfy. The volunteers were also fed by one of the amazing sponsors, Chipotle. Thanks Chipotle, your guac rocks!
When the bouts began I was 'bouncing' the VIP area. When I first heard that I was bouncing I kind of thought to my self "...but I'm a lover not a fighter..." Bouncing was basically ensuring that the VIP guests were able to retain their seats and the isles were clear, it was defiantly a family friendly environment, it was easy.
If you have never been to a roller derby, there is a learning curve for the rules; however, the concept is understandable. I'm not going to waste the keystrokes when its better said here.
The bouts ran with with the Mobtown Mobs taking the win over the Junkyard Dolls including a great performance from the Mobs newest member 'Thumper Good'. The Night Terrors won over Speed Regime but the come back effort in the end by 'Bambi's Revenge' gets an honorable mention. IMHO, she was crushin' it.
All of the Skaters put out an amazing effort, at the time if this writing I wish I could remember more names. I do remember Just Carole doling out some 'just ass-kickery' too.
The matches were physical, entertaining and fun was had by all. This was of course with out no incident as Junkyard Doll 'Coach Ballbricker' took a nasty fall on a previously injured knee. I was only 20 or so feet away when she fell, the look of pain on her face was testament to a floor made of particle board and hard plastic. There is no question that the pain here is real, there is no WWE B.S. happening here. Helmets and pads are not an option. In my own opinion I'd classify roller derby as an action sport, there is an entertainment value; however, the athleticism is very real and when its happening its intense and calculated. The effort put out by the skaters was great, imagine doing "2 Minute sprints on skates" while your getting the crap knocked out of you at a high rate of speed. There is also the decision making process for what moves need to be made to put one where they need to be 3 moves ahead of time; but, there better be a plans B, C and D 'cause things never work as planned. Again, just a novices take, my first impression.
In the end of the evening the course was broken down, the chairs stacked, and friends were made.
I enjoyed my self so much I'll be back. It got me pumped enough that I'm talkin' about it. If you've read this far than get off your ass, grab some friends and go. ... Check the CCRG homepage for a schedule and details.
Until then,